
Ref is an intelligent hiring interface designed to keep pace
with the future of work

Resumes are rapidly becoming obsolete

Job seekers are using AI to edit their resume for every job, which makes everyone seem like a great candidate

Companies are struggling to know who to interview.
And professionals are struggling to stand out

Discover Ref through
Justin and Swetha

Meet Justin - an engineer,
looking for a job

Meet Swetha - a manager,
hiring at Banana Inc.

Justin is one of 450 people to apply to Swetha's engineering role - he’s a great candidate but there’s a problem

Every candidate looks competitive because of AI-edited resumes

And Swetha doesn’t have time to call and validate so many people

So, Swetha and her team give context to Ref about their next hire

Ref remembers the full picture of Banana - its annual goals, company culture, employee skillsets, and more - to create a job description that’s curated for the org

Ref remembers the full picture of Banana - its annual goals, company culture, employee skillsets, and more - to create a job description that’s curated for the org

Ref remembers the full picture of Banana - its annual goals, company culture, employee skillsets, and more - to create a job description that’s curated for the org

And, when Justin applies to the job, Ref is there to guide him to capture a living history of his career

Everything Justin's done is important to Ref

Everything Justin's done is
important to Ref

Everything Justin's done is important to Ref

When it’s time to enrich and verify his experience, Justin tells Ref exactly who to get peer reviews from

"Cool, now I have these references for every job" - Justin

On Monday, Swetha doesn't have to look at 450 resumes - Ref has suggested 9 pre-validated candidates to review

Ref evaluates the verified data between Justin and Banana to show that he's a great fit

Armed with pre-validated insights, Swetha can skip the screening calls and invite them directly to interview

Justin has gotten an interview at Banana, with Louisa the Head of Research

Ref readies all of the essentials Louisa needs to discuss what's relevant

And when Justin moves on to the next interview with Pierre, Ref remembers what's left to discuss

Justin’s been interviewed but the team doesn't know enough about his management style

Instead of scheduling another call, Swetha asks Ref, who taps the insights from Justin's peers

Now, Swetha and the team are ready to give him an offer

From now on, Justin can use Ref for any job he applies for.

And Ref is there to connect the dots between Justin and each company

But Swetha has offered Justin the job - so his search is over!

Ref continues to learn about Banana's needs through the people who work there

Which makes Banana a more connected, proactive, and successful company

Meanwhile, Ref will be there to help Justin succeed at Banana…

....coach him in his career...

.... and connect him with his coworkers.

Ref is a true extension of the workforce, here to bridge the gap between companies and professionals

Ref will be available for early beta early next year